About G&J International Law Office
About Us
謝慶輝律師(曾任檢察官、法官、 監察委員、中華民國仲裁協會仲裁人等)於2008年創立群正法律事務所(後改名為群正國際法律事務所)。近年來由陳家暄律師接任主持律師,與戴見草庭長及陳明富法官退休轉任律師合作,延攬駱憶慈律師、劉彥伯律師多位優秀律師,基於過去長期合作基礎,齊心秉持為客戶提供卓越、精緻法律服務的信念,承辦案件範圍包含民事、刑事訴訟、調解、和解、仲裁、訴願、行政訴訟、債務清理、智慧財產及涉外案件,登錄執業法院涵括台北、台中、高雄、屏東各縣市。
Lawyer Ching-Hui Hsieh (former prosecutor, judge, supervisory commissioner, arbitrator at the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei) founded G&J Law Office in 2008 (later renamed G&J International Law Office). Over the past few years, Jessica has taken over the firm as managing lawyer, collaborating with retired Chief Judge Jian Tsau Dai and retired Judge Frank Chen, who have transitioned to law firm collaboration. The firm hence has also recruited several outstanding lawyers, including Lawyers Zoey Lo and Albert Liu. Through former long term partnership, G&J are commited to providing excellent lawyering and unrivaled client service. We offer wide ranges of services, including civil and criminal litigation, mediation, settlement, arbitration, administrative appeals, administrative litigation, debt recovery, intellectual property, and foreign-related cases, with lawyers registered in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung.
G&J International Law Office is recognized for its broad and strategic perspective in managing client matters. This includes post-event relieves that invlove civil, criminal, and administrative litigation, as well as proactive legal planning for businesses. We also specialize in the protection and dispute resolution of intellectual property for technological sectors, and major corporate activities such as capital market operations, mergers and acquisitions (M&A). With legal expertise and insights into the business market, the firm helps clients identify, assess, and manage legal risks, with the goal of providing comprehensive and innovative legal solutions.
At G&J International Law Office, we have been deeply involved in public service for many years, and will continue to dedicate in furthering the rule of law and utilizing our professional expertise to bring contrition to society.
群正盡心傾聽客戶的訴求,為每位信任群正的客戶在每個案件中追求正義,積極保障客戶合法權益。尋求包含台灣在內的各國司法體系公平與正義,是群正國際法律事務所的律師年復一年、不辭辛勞持續工作以求實現的目標。專業知識、服務品質及領導創新上,嚴格自我要求,本於「做好也做對」的精神不斷地精益求精,持續追求卓越。At G&J International Law Office, we work toward achieving serve, dedicate, and excel as our mission; the firm focuses on recruiting outstanding experts, emphasizing professional innovation, dedicating itself to serving clients, fostering teamwork, and achieving sustainable development.
We put our clients firts, striving to pursue justice in every case for those who place their trust in the firm, and actively safeguarding their legal rights. Seeking fairness and justice within the judicial systems of Taiwan and other countries is the ongoing goal that Group Zheng’s lawyers work tirelessly toward year after year. With strict self-discipline in professional knowledge, service quality, and leadership innovation, the firm adheres to the spirit of "doing things right and doing the right things," continuously striving for excellence.
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Our Services
民事訴訟事件 Civil Litigation
Our firm is renowned for its expertise in civil litigation. Over the past years, we haved coped with countless complex legal cases. In recent years, the Code of Civil Procedure has undergone several significant revisions, including the organization of issues in dispute, concentrated trial procedures, the general prohibition on parties introducing new claims or defenses at the second instance, the introduction of a permission-based appeal system for the third instance, and the requirement for legal representation by an attorney in the third instance. These revisions have refined civil litigation procedures toward a more professional direction. Therefore, it is essential to have an expert legal team like ours, to assist clients in navigating and effectively managing their cases.
| 民事案件類型
- 各式民事合約審閱、修改及撰擬
- 勞資爭議事件(如:不當勞動行為裁決、解僱、職災等。)
- 工程糾紛(如:工程款、裝修瑕疵等。)
- 著作權、商標事件(如:盜版、盜圖等著作權侵害、商標侵權等。)
- 公平交易法事件(如:不實廣告、仿冒、損害他人營業信譽等。)
- 侵權行為事件(如:妨害名譽、傷害、車禍、消費者糾紛等。)
- 公司案件(如:股權爭議、章程疑義、股東會、董事會決議爭訟、解散、清算等事件)
- 房屋糾紛案件(如:房地租賃買賣、公寓大廈糾紛等。)
- 不動產案件(如:拆屋還地、共有物分割、抵押權塗銷等。)
- 票據案件(如:聲請本票裁定、票據爭議處理、確認本票債權等事件。)
- 消費者債務清理(如:債務協商、更生、清算、破產程序等事件。)
- 各類強制執行案件(如:債務人異議之訴、分配表異議之訴、第三人異議之訴、假扣押、假處分、假執行等事件。)
家事訴訟事件 Domestic Proceedings
In recent years, with the enactment of the domestic proceedings, domestic cases have been separated from the Civil Procedure Law, steering family-related cases toward a more specialized approach. As a result, there is an even greater need for a professional legal team like ours, to provide comprehensive assistance to clients in resolving family disputes. Our attorneys have handled numerous domestic cases involving complex and difficult legal relationships over the years. We not only emphasize a deep understanding of domestic proceedings, but also integrate interdisciplinary knowledge, including social work, psychiatry, etc, to better support our clients. Additionally, we make flexible use of negotiation, mediation, and litigation strategies, aiming for peaceful and win-win solutions to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients.
| 家事事件
- 離婚協議、調解及訴訟
- 子女親權行使及探視權爭取
- 夫妻剩餘財產分配、扶養費及贍養費之請求
- 否認親子關係、確認親子關係不存在訴訟
- 遺囑之草擬、見證
- 繼承回復、遺產分割、特留份等因繼承關係所生請求事件處理
- 收養事件
- 保護令之申請
- 兩岸或跨國婚姻訴訟
- 未成年子女監護事件
- 監護、輔助宣告事件
- 其他家事事件
刑事訴訟案件 Criminal Prosecution
Our firm's mission is to uphold the fundamental duties of lawyers, which is protecting human rights and upholding social justice. Criminal defense, as well as representing victims in filing criminal complaints or private prosecutions, are key areas of our practice. G&J International Law Offic has achieved excellence in the field of criminal law, particularly in economic crimes, occupational crimes, corruption and bribery offenses, and drug-related crimes. We have conducted numerous high-profile cases that had significant social impact. Through our exceptional skills and sharp, strategic consultation, we achieve favorable defense outcomes, ensuring the our clients' legal rights and promoting justice. Our dedication and expertise have received widespread recognition from clients, fellow legal profesionals, and the community.
| 刑事案件類型- 犯罪偵查階段提供犯罪嫌疑人之法律協助(陪偵、取保候審、羈押閱卷與抗告…)
- 訴訟前紛爭解決(和解、調解、爭取緩起訴…)
- 審判中被告辯護
- 自訴代理
- 告訴代理(再議、聲請交付審判…)
- 附帶民事訴訟之原被告代理
- 非常上訴、再審
- 醫療過失、交通過失等案件
- 貪污、洗錢等案件
- 妨害名譽、毒品、詐欺、槍砲彈藥管制、組織犯罪等案件
行政救濟事件 Administrative Remedy
| 行政救濟類型
- 各類行政處分之訴願、行政訴訟程序
- 行政裁罰案件
- 公務員保障案件
- 教師法案件
- 學生申訴案件
- 國家賠償訴訟
- 智慧財產事件
- 政府採購法事件
- 公平交易法事件
- 稅法案件
- 環境行政爭議事件
仲裁事件 Arbitration
訴訟外紛爭解決機制(Alternative Dispute Resolution)提供當事人法院訴訟外之糾紛解決途徑,而仲裁為其中最重要的機制之一。當事人可合意選擇共同信任且具特定專業的人選擔任仲裁人,且仲裁判斷與法院確定判決有相同的效力,得以據以聲請強制執行,有效保障當事人權益。
Contact Us
10F., No.11, Datong 2nd Rd., Qianjin Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886-7-216-0707 FAX:+886-7-2510712
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